
Learning for Sustainability

The Learning for Sustainability (LfS) site provides a reference guide to on-line resources for those working to support social learning and constructive action. The material referenced here can be used, or adapted for use, in any number of fields. It is largely sourced from those working in the sustainable development, natural resource management, public health and agricultural sectors.

The site operates as an information portal or hub – highlighting the wide range of social skills and processes that are needed to support constructive collaboration – that leads to learning and adaptation. The full site brings links to several hundred annotated on-line resources from different sectors and geographic areas together in one easy to access site. A range of relevant papers and reports are also hosted directly on the site.

PLEASE NOTE: The Learning for Sustainability site is being extensively upgraded over the next couple of weeks, and the indexing and a number of pages will be rebuilt during this period. While this is being done the original site can be accessed through this LfS sitemap page. Original site pages are indicated with an asterisk (*) in the top menu. These pages will be updated as they get brought across to the new site format.

If you have already signed up for the site newsletter you will get an email as soon as the site is fully operational again, if you haven’t – then you can subscribe here. In the meantime I hope you are having a good close to 2015, and enjoy much success with all your endeavors in the new year. If there is something that you remember from a past visit that you are really trying to find – then feel free to email me.


Learning for Sustainability services

The LfS site highlights on-line resources for those working with complex issues. It showcases the wide range of activities, skills and processes that collectively support constructive engagement, co-design, adaptation, and reflective practice.

The site framework has been developed through the course of my work and indicated resources are open access and freely available. If you would like further support to explore the implementation of these approaches then Will Allen & Associates can help link you with experienced practitioners.

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