My publications (reviewed reports)

My reviewed (and shareable) reports are here (as well as occasional posts and newsletter article) … and a listing of my journals and book chapters is also available from an accompanying page.

Will Allen & Viv Sherwood (2023) Whakamana Te Waituna Evaluation Report. Whakamana Te Waituna Trust.

Will Allen (2023) Empowering sustainable transformations: The art of facilitating collective change. Learning for Sustainability (blog)

Aqualinc, Learning for Sustainability & EOS Ecology 2023. Transforming Lowland Waterway Networks – An Implementation Guide for Reimagining the Ararira/LII. Prepared in co-design with the Ararira Catchment Management Plan Project Team (Selwyn District Council, Te Taumutu Runanga, LII Drainage Committee, Living Water (Fonterra, Department of Conservation), Environment Canterbury, Cawthron). 78 p.

EOS Ecology, Aqualinc & Cawthron 2023. Transforming Lowland Waterway Networks – A Catchment Management Plan for Reimagining the Ararira/LII. Prepared in co-design with the Arariria Catchment Management Plan Project Team (Selwyn District Council, Te Taumutu Runanga, LII Drainage Committee, Living Water (Fonterra, Department of Conservation), Environment Canterbury, Learning for Sustainability). EOS Ecology Report No. AQU02-21015-01. 100 p.

Will Allen (2022) Using a DPSIR framework to support good natural resource management and policy. Learning for Sustainability (blog)

Will Allen (2022) Skills and capacities that support collective action. Learning for Sustainability (blog)

Will Allen, Andrea Grant, Dean Stronge, Simon Wegner (2019) Building engagement and social licence: Unpacking Social Licence to Operate and partnerships – developing rubrics for guidance and assessment. Biosecurity New Zealand

Will Allen, Andrea Grant, Lynsey Earl (2017) Rubrics_information_sheet.

Fraser, C., Fenemor, A., Turner, J., Allen, W. (2014) The Wheel of Water Research Programme: Designing collaborative catchment decision-making processes using a WaterWheel– reflections from two case studies, MBIE, C1205601. Aqualinc Research Limited.

Allen, W., King, J., Oakden, J. (2014) Three case studies: companion document to the Evaluation of the Sustainable Farming Fund. Wellington: Kinnect Group. Available on-line

Oakden, J., King, J., Allen, W. (2014) Evaluation of the Sustainable Farming Fund: Main Report. Kinnect Group: Wellington. Available on-line

Oakden, J., King, J., Allen, W. (2014) Evaluation of the Sustainable Farming Fund: Summary Report. Kinnect Group: Wellington. Available on-line

Allen, W. (2012) Mapping community outcomes to environmental care projects: A review of outcomes-based methods and tools. Report prepared for Northland Regional Council on behalf of the Centre for Wildlife Management and Conservation, Lincoln University.

Allen, W., Fenemor, A., Wood, D. (2012) Effective indicators for freshwater management: attributes and frameworks for development. Prepared for Aqualinc Research for the MSI Wheel of Water Project. Landcare Research Contract Report LC995, Lincoln, New Zealand.

Jones C, Allen W. Cowan P (2012) Setting outcomes, and measuring and reporting performance of regional council pest and weed management programmes: Guidelines and resource materials. Prepared for New Zealand regional councils. Landcare Research Contract Report  LC144, Lincoln, New Zealand.

Sinner, J., Fenemor, A., Kilvington, M., Allen, W., Tadaki., Baker, MA. 2012. Valuing our waters – A case study in Tasman District. Report No. 2107. Cawthron Institute, Nelson. Pp 126. Available on-line at

Fenemor A,  Allen W, Stuart B (2011) Evaluation of landowner responses to the Sherry Catchment water quality improvement initiative. Landcare Research report for NZ Landcare Trust and stakeholders of the Motueka ICM programme.

Clare Feeney, Will Allen, Annette Lees and Maree Drury (2010) Integrated Catchment Management − a review of literature and practice. A report by Environmental Communications Ltd for the Ministry for the Environment. pp.299

Allen, W. & Horn, C. (2009) Supporting collective action in pest management – Aims and frameworks. Prepared for MAF Biosecurity New Zealand. Landcare Research Contract Report  LC0910/031, Lincoln, New Zealand.

Ataria, J., Trainor, R., Anglem, R., Allen, W., Tremblay, L. & Champeau, O. (2009) Whakamihia, whakanuia, kia tata whakamaua – Celebrating success and moving forward. Landcare Research Contract Report: LC0910/067, Lincoln, New Zealand

Pehi, P. Kanawa, L. Lambert, S & Allen, W. (2009) The restitution of marae and communities through mahinga kai: Building the management of Maori customary fisheries.

Morresey, K., Feeney, C.; Lees, A., Trotman, R.; Allen, W. (2009). The Mahurangi Action Plan – telling the story.  Prepared by Environmental Communications Ltd with input from Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, Annette Lees and Rachael Trotman for Auckland Regional Council.

Will Allen,   Ibrahim Elmetri,   Sara Clarke, J Rune Gibbons, Kim Clark, Jim Sinner, Weimin Jiang and Michael Taylor (2009) Social Value Mapping: Mapping the social value of New Zealand’s marine systems.  Biosecurity New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2010/05.

Ibrahim Elmetri, Michael Taylor and Will Allen (2009) Social Value Mapping: Mapping the social value of New Zealand’s marine systems. Summary Report.  Prepared for MAF BNZ Policy and Risk Directorate

Brignall-Theyer, M., Allen, W. & Taylor, R. (2009) Education for sustainability in the NZ secondary school system: A scoping report. Landcare Research Report LC0809/123

Hellberg C., Feeney C., Allen W. (2009). An evaluation framework for the ICMP programme. Prepared for Auckland Regional Council. Auckland Regional Council Technical Report 2009/091. Online at

Baldwin, C., Becken, S. & Allen, W. (2008) Hey! What’s your footprint. Land Environment and people Research Report No. 5. Lincoln University. Available on-line

Kilvington, M. & Allen, W. (2007) Evaluation of the social spaces of the Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) research programme. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0607/183

 Allen, W. & Apgar J.M  (2007) Supporting sustainability policy-uptake across Council activities: A scoping report. Prepared for Christchurch City Council, Landcare Research Contract Report LC0607/173

Feeney C, Allen W and the Auckland Regional Council Stormwater Action Team. December 2007. An evaluation framework for the ICMP programme. Unpubl.

Cole, A. O., Allen, W., Kilvington, M., Fenemor, A., & Bowden, B. 2006. Understanding whole-of-system sustainability in the Motueka Catchment – participatory modelling with an influence matrix. Landcare Research report LC0506/087, Palmerston North

Frame, B., Allen, W., Delaney, K., Harris, G., McDermott, A., Lattimore, R., Newton, B. & Wheatley C. (2006) Reshaping Asia: Sustainability, Resources and the Environment. (Wellington, New Zealand, Asia New Zealand Foundation).

Winstanley, A., Tipene-Matua, B., Kilvington, M., Du Plessis, R. & Allen, W. (2005) From dialogue to engagement. Final report of the MoRST Dialogue Fund Cross-Case Study Learning Group, Produced for the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology.

Allen, W. Du Plessis, R., Kilvington, M., Tipene-Matua, B. & Winstanley, A. (2003) Involving the public in science and technology decision-making: A review of national and international initiatives. On-line report produced for the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.

Horn, C., Kilvington, M. & Allen, W. (2003) Improving business environmental performance: Training needs to support environmental sustainability practice in business. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0203/081, Lincoln, New Zealand.

Allen, W.; Kilvington, M., Horn, C.  (2002) Using participatory and learning-based approaches to help achieve constructive practice change. Prepared for Ministry for the Environment, Landcare Research Contract Report LC0102/057, Lincoln, New Zealand.

Allen, W.; Kilvington, M; Nixon, C.; Yeabsley, J. (2002) Sustainable development extension.  Technical Paper No: 2002/03. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: Wellington. pp. 71.

Allen, W. & Kilvington, M. (2001) Building effective teams for resource efficiency. Landcare Research Contract Report  LC0001/60, Lincoln, New Zealand.

Kilvington, M. & Allen, W. (2001) A participatory evaluation process to strengthen the effectiveness of industry teams in achieving resource use efficiency: The Target Zero Programme of Christchurch City Council. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0001/62, Lincoln, New Zealand.

Kilvington, M. & Allen, W. (2001) Engaging the public in complex science: A workshop sponsored by the Royal Society of New Zealand (12-13 December 2001). (Note: workshop facilitated by Will Allen & Margaret Kilvington)

Cullen, R., Hughey, K., Booth, K., Crawford, K., Allen, W. & Kilvington, M. (eds) (2001) Conservation and sustainable use of New Zealand flora – on non-conservation land. The Flockhill Workshops. Report No. 1. Isaac Centre for Nature Conservation. Lincoln University. Wickliffe Press, Christchurch. 64pp. (Note: workshop facilitated by Will Allen & Margaret Kilvington at Flock Hill, Canterbury. 6/7 March 2001)

Kilvington, M., Allen, W. & Kravchenko, C. (1999) Improving farmer motivation within Tb vector control. Landcare Research contract report.  Landcare Research Contract Report LC9899/110, Lincoln, New Zealand.

Allen, W.; Brown, K.; Gloag, T.; Morris, J.; Simpson, K.; Thomas, J.; Young, R. (1998) Building partnerships for conservation in the Waitaki/Mackenzie Basins. Landcare Research Contract Report LC9899/033, Lincoln, New Zealand.

Allen, W., Kilvington, M., & Stephenson, G. (1998)  Kereru (NZ wood-pigeon) Management Evaluation Workshop Report. Landcare Research Contract Report LC9798/135, Lincoln, New Zealand.

Allen, W.J. & Bosch, O.J.H. (1998) The role of hypermedia and the Internet in facilitating an ongoing and collaborative learning environment. Landcare Research Contract Report LC9798/110, Lincoln, New Zealand

Allen, W., Wardle, K., & Bosch, O. (1998) Providing decision support for tussock grasslands: the role of the Internet and adaptive management. Landcare Research Contract Report LC9798/130, Lincoln, New Zealand

Bosch, O.J.H. & Allen, W.J.  (1998) Assisting the identification and uptake of effective Tb control strategies: the development of a learning environment. Landcare Research Contract Report LC9798/105, Lincoln, New Zealand.

Tussock Grassland Management Information System (1993 – 2001) The Tussock Grassland MIS website was developed to serve as a ‘one-stop-information shop’ for South Island land managers, policy makers, and other interest groups and, as a framework that could be used by scientists, land managers and policy-makers to refine existing or add new knowledge to the system as it becomes available through ongoing research (by scientists) and montoring programmes (by land managers).

Collaborative Learning for Environmental Management (CLEM) website (1995 – 2002) Social research from Landcare Research aiming to improve the quality of environmental management decision making.
