
Job opportunities in environment and development

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Whatever your reason, if you’ve decided you want a job in this area, and you have access to the Internet then you can take advantage of a wide variety of employment-related information and resources you’ll need to start, change or further your career. This page provides some key links for using the Internet to track down job vacancies and volunteering programmes in the fields of environment and development.

If you get that job you want – but it’s in another country, then there are a number of good sites to prepare you for international travel. Escape Artist is a guide to overseas living that includes country and regional guides – as well as moving overseas information. Transitions Abroad provides the alternative travel community access to the information essential to successful international experiences. The Expat Exchange is yet another good site for this sort of information. Sojourners to another country: The psychological roller-coaster of cultural transitions is an interesting article in which Nan Sussman explores the psychological aspects of the cultural transition cycle experienced by the sojourner.

Many sustainable development, natural resource and public health jobs can be found internationally, and the Internet also provides some useful general resources to help you here. For example, the University of Oxford provides a short guide to career paths in international development which includes links to both training opportunities and jobs. If you are not sure whether development jobs are right for you have a look at George Monbiot’s career advice (admittedly provided many years ago) – Choose life!

Careers in environment and development

The following group of sites provide a wide range of links to career and career resources in the fields of environment and development. These sites will provide you with a broad overview of what’s around on the Web in this area.

Find your Purpose
Search for social impact, sustainability & environmental jobs with the impact you want to have on the world. These vacancies include areas of impact such as carbon capture and offsetting, circular economy, clean water, ethical capital, green transport, renewable energy, sustainable food and agriculture and social impact.

An Australasian  weekly email bulletin which advertises jobs and other opportunities in the land, water and environment (or Natural Resource Management) fields.

CYBER-SIERRA’S Natural Resources Job Search
More than 1000 visitors a week can’t be wrong! This is a good place to start your search. There are about 15 categories of jobs within this area, and a lot of useful related searching resources.
Cool jobs and great careers in all aspects of the environment. In addition to their home on the web, ECC publishes a journal 10 times annually, the Green Careers Journal, which contains articles and hundreds more job listings every month, giving you yet another valuable tool in advancing your environmental career.
This UK-orieted site publishes jobs in a number of areas including environmental campaigning, renewable energy, energy efficiency, recycling, ecology, environmental education, organics, sustainability, and sustainable transport.

Organizational and NGO career opportunities in environment and development

This section will provide a number of site groupings that link directly to available vacancies within NGOs, the United Nations, aid agencies and private consulting companies.

IUCN Position Vacancies

Job Market (GTZ … development)
Vacancies and consulting positions with GTZ.

Chemonics International Inc.
Chemonics is one of the largest U.S. consulting firms providing expertise in developing and emerging-market countries.

This is an international agricultural consultancy company with extensive worldwide experience.

Media job pages:


Learning for Sustainability services

The LfS site highlights on-line resources for those working with complex issues. It showcases the wide range of activities, skills and processes that collectively support constructive engagement, co-design, adaptation, and reflective practice.

The site framework has been developed through the course of my work and indicated resources are open access and freely available. If you would like further support to explore the implementation of these approaches then Will Allen & Associates can help link you with experienced practitioners.

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