Methods and tools
A number of methodologies and tools can be used to implement systems thinking and systemic design approaches. Collectively, these help us generate and organize information about our system – our situation of interest.
There are many different systems thinking tools, and these can be seen to help in a range of functional ways: For example we can use tools for: brainstorming (e.g. concept mapping, mindmaps); dynamic and temporal thinking (e.g. graphs – relationships over time, CLDs); and structural thinking (e.g. graphical function, structure behaviour/stock & flow, policy-structure/decision-making processes). In addition, many of these tools can contribute to the development of conceptual models, and can also be computer-based (including the graphs, causal loops, and stock and flow diagrams). Of course, tools can be used to build on one another, and are best used in combination to achieve deeper insights into complex situations. The following links will take you direct to a number of online systems thinking toolkits and methodologies, and then to links where more detail is provided on some specific tools.
Toolkits and methodologies
An introduction to systems thinking and tools for systems thinking
A good place to start is with this presentation by Will Allen and Margaret Kilvington that provides a framework for thinking about the range of tools that can be used, and where they can most usefully contribute to decision-making.
Tools for systems thinkers: The 6 fundamental concepts of systems thinking
This post by Leyla Acaroglu is the first in a great series covering aspects of systems thinking in theory and practice. In it she shares key insights and tools needed to develop and advance a systems mindset for dealing with complex problem solving (in the context of transitioning to a Circular Economy). A second post is Tools for Systems Thinkers: Systems Mapping which reminds us that while there are great digital tools out there (like Kumu), every budding and experienced systems thinker will need to employ analog systems mapping — pen-and-paper style — tools as well.
All methods are wrong. Some methods are useful
This post by Bob Williams notes the challenges that newcomers face in using systems thinking approaches constructively. It highlights the tensions between methods and principles at these early stages. Bob then usefully outlines some practical ways around this.
Systems thinking tools
A good list of more than 20 tools, and descriptions of their use, from UK-based firm Burge Hughes Walsh (BHW). Moreover, these are put forward as a useful set that have been found to be particularly effective – primarily because the tools themselves are straightforward.
Systems thinking toolkit
This toolkit from FSG identifies several key tools that support systems thinking. Their toolkit includes their Systems Tools Matrix to help determine which tool would be of most use, and also includes a complete compilation of their guides to system mapping. They also have a Guide to system mapping blog series.
Problem structuring methods
Are project managers ready for the 21th challenges? A review of problem structuring methods for decision support
This 2017 paper by José Ramón San Cristóbal Mateo and colleagues presents a family of problem structured methods for decision support, aimed at assisting project managers in tackling complex problems. Problem structured methods are a family of soft operations research methods for decision support that assist groups of diverse composition to agree on a problem focus and make commitments to consequential action. Project management programs are challenged to implement these methodologies in such a way that provides a good fit with the key competencies of project managers.
Special issue on problem structuring research and practice
This 2014 paper by Fran Ackerman and colleagues introduces a special journal issue – EURO Journal on Decision Processes – bringing together a collection of papers concerned with problem structuring research and practice. It explores a range of challenges facing the field of problem structuring, and then introduces each of the specific papers in the special issue.
Rich pictures and causal loop diagrams
There are a number of ways in which we can begin to outline the relationships between the elements of a system, or between systems. These tools may be as simple as a mindmap or rich picture, they may begin to include influences and feedback loops such as causal loop diagrams (CLDs), or they may begin to move into more quantitative approaches that seek to quantify the influences and relationships.
How systems mapping can help you build a better theory of change
In this post, Chris Alford explores potential ways systems maps can be used as an alternative to conventional theory of change diagrams in order to enable theory of change diagrams to be more in tune with the complexity of the contexts they purport to change. The aim of this post is not to propose a new methodology for developing a theory of change from start to finish. Rather, the aim is to generate ideas about how systems mapping — particularly with the aid of Kumu — can be integrated with existing approaches to theories of change, particularly in the area of developing visual ToC diagrams.
Rich pictures
This page from BetterEvaluation explains how rich pictures use diagrams to explore, define, and share understanding of a situation. Often created at the pre-analysis stage, they help open discussions and build a shared mental model. Originating from Peter Checkland’s Soft Systems Methodology, rich pictures are valuable for visualising complex situations. The page also links to guidelines on diagramming for development, offering practical tips for using this method. As this Open University page notes, rich pictures were central to Peter Checkland’s Soft Systems Methodology for understanding complex situations. Using drawings to explore issues is common in problem-solving methods, as visualising ideas often taps into intuitive understanding. See diagramming for development for pracgtical guidelines.
How people use rich pictures to help them think and act
Diagrams in general and Rich Pictures in particular can be great means to allow groups to explore their subconscious, their occult sentiments and conflicted understandings. This paper by Simon Bell and Stephen Morse explores and explains diverse use of Pictures and shows how they can be applied and understood in group processes of all kinds.
Causal Loop Diagrams: Little Known Analytical Tool
TIn this post, William Rushing highlights causal loop diagrams (CLDs) as a tool for visualising complex processes and root causes. CLDs reveal feedback loops, showing how variables influence one another within a system. This allows practitioners to focus on the broader system rather than isolated interactions. This 2-page summary from Daniel Kim’s 2-page summary offers simple guidelines for drawing causal loop diagrams.
An Interpretive Approach to Drawing Causal Loop Diagrams
This 2008 paper by Mostafa Jafari and colleagues reminds us that the complex interpretive nature of management problems makes it difficult to recognize all the existing causal loop relations. In this paper, they develop an interpretive approach to drawing causal loop diagrams assuming that there are different perceptions about same concepts and the analyst is closely engaged with finding most agreed causal relationships.
Systems Tools for Complex Health Systems: A Guide to Creating Causal Loop Diagrams
This 2015 participants guide by Helen de Pinho was designed to help you through the steps of building a casual loop diagram (CLD). CLDs are developed to better understand the dynamics driving a particular issue in a given situation. They can be usefully used gain a deeper understanding of the system before intervening.
Soft Systems Methodology (SSM)
This article from Wikipedia shows how Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) is an approach to organizational process modeling and it can be used both for general problem solving and in the management of change. It was developed in England by academics at the University of Lancaster Systems Department through a ten year Action Research programme.
More information on collaborative and systems-based approaches, tools and methodologies can be found through the linked LfS pages on conceptual modelling, systems thinking and systemic design. Other related pages point to resources on related topics around collaboration such as guides to help initiate and manage multi-stakeholder processes and facilitation tools and reflective practice. Readers may also be interested in related pages such as supporting constructive practice change, and particularly the page on strategic planning.