Manuals on supporting practice change from the Protected Areas sector
- ConserveOnline ConserveOnline is a meeting place for the conservation community, open to anyone who wants to find or share information relevant to conservation science and practice. Using ConserveOnline you can: i) post data, documents, images, maps and other resources; ii) announce upcoming meetings or events and host discussions; and iii) search for documents. A special section provides links to tools that enhance protected area management. These cover management, policy and planning. The Nature Conservancy created and maintains ConserveOnline in collaboration with many partners. ConserveOnline is intended to help improve the practice of conservation across organizations and national boundaries.
- Sharing Power: Learning by Doing in Co-management of Natural Resources throughout the World Through this manual Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend and colleagues show us the impacts, tensions, inequalities and opportunities that inhabit the field of natural
resource management and bear such important consequences for the livelihoods
and quality of life of rural communities. Co-management as a process is then
unpacked and explored in detail, from its roots in local systems of solidarity to the
unlikely and very powerful �syncretic� merging of traditional practices and modern
conservation expertise. The �phases� of the process� organising, negotiating, implementing agreements and learning by doing� as well as the agreements and organisations they usually end up developing, are described and appreciated through a wealth of examples, tools and sound advice.
- Indigenous and Local Communities and Protected Areas: towards Equity and Enhanced Conservation These Guide lines explore protected area approaches and models that see conservation as fully compatible with human communities � as managers, decision-makers, residents, users, caretaking neighbours � and that regard such communities as an asset to conservation rather than a liability. Drawing on recent experience and best practice from around the world, as well as from reflections and guidance developed at the local, national, regional and international levels, these Guidelines offer considerations, concepts and ideas. They do not prescribe blue print solutions, but offer a menu of options for action, to be reviewed by the concerned actors and adapted to their circumstances.
- Governance of Protected Areas: participatory evaluation handbook This is
a manual to improve governance of protected areas through a participatory process. The authors acknowledge that every site has unique conditions and it is (fortunately!) impossible to develop a 'one size fits all' management or assessment tool. Against this background this manual aims to offer some guidance and ideas for a participatory process that can help different stakeholders determine what their needs are, and how best they can meet them. This handbook will assist PA stakeholders in developing, implementing and maintaining a participatory assessment process that is unique, responsive and effective for them, avoiding a routine, top-down or funding-driven programme.
- Borrini-Feyerabend, G., Farvar, M. T., Nguinguiri, J. C. & Ndangang, V. A. (2000) Co-management of Natural Resources: Organising, Negotiating and Learning-by-Doing. GTZ and IUCN, Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg (Germany).
This on-line document (92 pages)provides a comprehensive guide-for-action of the use of collaborative management (CM) to help address environmental and natural resource issues. It provides guidelines for multi-stakeholder management of natural resources and describes in detail relevant concepts, methods and tools. The test is accompanied by definition boxes, example boxes, checklists, annexes illustrating participatory methods and tools of particular relevance for co-management processes, lessons learned, tips for action and a list of references and suggested readings.