ARCHIVE ONLY - IntSci - Integrated science for sustainability discussion list
This discussion is now closed, and the information and links on this page serve to archive the discussion and context.
Welcome to the IntSci - Integrated science for sustainability discussion list. This list is about work that aims to support science initiatives to be more inclusive, integrated and interdisciplinary. The list has emerged out of an e-conference that was held on this topic from 1-15 March 2006, in partnership with the Landcare Research Collaborative Learning research team. This topic represents a growing area for science and society with questions related to sustainability, environment and health, amongst others. These areas are characterised by issues that require the different parties involved to rethink their perspectives, and maybe change their views. They are not characterised so much by problems for which an answer must be found, so much as a process of ongoing and dynamic management. The problem solving in these areas requires stakeholders - including scientists - to engage in practices of joint inquiry, collaborative learning and adaptive management. We are particularly interested in how to broaden science teams from those with skills to answer problems (particularly from the hard sciences), to include social researchers with complementary skills in the management of participation, conflict and learning. This list will particularly focus on this, and the issues that arise from it.
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